A Personal Note From the CEO — A Journey Fueled by Passion and Growth.

Published on
Apr 26, 2024
Written by
Gordon Henderson
Read time
5 min

Gordon Henderson

co-founder and chief executive officer

A Journey Fueled by Passion and Growth.

Greetings potential stakeholders, investors, and aspiring entrepreneurs,

As the CEO of myqubator, I'm genuinely thrilled to welcome you all aboard and very proud to introduce you to our ground-breaking venture—an absolute game-changer in the startup incubation scene.  Our mission isn't just about creating value; it's about equipping founders with everything they need to not only bring their revolutionary ideas to life but to make them thrive!

I have always thought that the West Coast mentality of “fail fast” was a bit of a joke… Why would you actually embark on a venture and want to fail?  I’d rather avoid it if I could!  At myqubator, we're flipping the script. We recognize the challenges stacked against startups and their investors. The current startup ecosystems and incubators are just not fit for purpose - they're falling well short. They plainly lack the resources, expertise, and focus necessary to deliver success.

Here's a sobering statistic: a whopping 97% of hopeful startups crash and burn, many of them adhering to the "fail fast" mantra. It's disheartening to see them walk away with probably less than they started with. Today's incubators? They're all about flash and flair and where big hopes and dreams go to die!

Enter myqubator. Our mission is clear: unlock the true potential of startups through comprehensive support, cutting-edge technology, and expert mentorship. With our transformative incubation model, we're setting our sights on an unprecedented success rate of 95% and beyond. We're building a global community of entrepreneurs fuelled by brilliance and innovation. Failure? We’re going to steer well clear of that, thank you very much. We want our startups to thrive, to love what they're doing, and to deliver stellar returns to investors.

Ultimately, we have a vision beyond just incubation.  We’re aiming to be a complete ecosystem—a startup studio, an accelerator, and a venture capital entity all rolled into one.  Our singular focus? The success of our startups - with substance over style—clear value propositions, revenue growth, profitability, and concrete plans for future expansion.

Our newly assembled team represents the great and the good of industry and startup circles, all with track records of stellar success.  We think differently and we are going to act differently.  We WILL change the startup status quo.

myqubator is always on the lookout for investors and startups ready to come on this incredible journey with us. If you want more information or even just want to share some feedback, please feel free to reach out to me personally at Gordon.h@myqubator.com

Best regards,


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