empowering startups to soar beyond limits.

Unleash your startup's potential with our comprehensive ecosystem.
Success starts here. Join the revolution today!

Funding opportunities

empowerment for startup triumph: ignite!

We foster a culture of innovation, providing exceptional resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities. Embark on a transformative experience at myqubator™, where innovation thrives.

We offer unrivaled resources, expert mentorship, and a vibrant network, empowering you to push boundaries and redefine success. Dare to dream big and unlock your startup's limitless potential.

reveal visionary brilliance →

In each application, we eagerly anticipate finding disruptive ideas, visionary founders, scalable ventures, and potential to revolutionize industries. Captivate us with your vision, ensuring you cover these essential 8 criteria.


authenticity matters

At myqubator™, we believe in genuine ideas that stem from your core. Bring your authentic self, passion, and values to your pitch, and let your true brilliance shine.


empowering teams

Success is a collective effort. We prioritize individuals with diverse skills, unwavering dedication, and a shared pursuit of excellence. Build a dynamic team amplifying strengths, propelling your startup forward.


the problem

Identify a real problem with a significant impact. Showcase in-depth understanding, highlight pain points, and articulate the urgency to address it. Solve problems that matter and resonate with your mission.


the solution

Present a compelling solution that disrupts the status quo. Leverage technology, innovation, and creativity to offer a unique approach that effectively solves the identified problem.


the opportunity

Demonstrate a clear market opportunity with growth potential. Understand the target audience, market dynamics, and trends. Show how your solution fills a gap and has the potential for scalable impact.


the competition

Acknowledge the competition and differentiate yourself. Highlight your unique value proposition, competitive advantages, and barriers to entry. Strive to stand out amidst the crowded market.


the business model

Present a sustainable and scalable business model. Show how your solution generates revenue, delivers value, and creates a sustainable competitive advantage. Prove the profitability and long-term viability of your venture.


the financials

Back your pitch with sound financials. Project realistic revenue streams, cost structures, and a clear path to profitability. Show, you have a solid understanding of financial management and can provide a positive return on investment.

Funding opportunities

diversifying economy as key strategic focus.

"Further diversifying our economy is a key strategic focus of our future plans. It is therefore necessary to accelerate economic development efforts to continue building a leading global economy, to enhance our competitiveness and achieve the highest global rankings."

Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
President of the United Arab Emirates

every business starts as one person with an idea.

"Everybody starts small. We all begin life as a single cell. Every business starts as one person with an idea. How fast you go, how far you get, is in your hands. The bigger your vision, the bigger your achievement will be. Will you stumble on the way? Perhaps, but we cannot let fear keep us small. We have to be brave to be big.”

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai
Funding opportunities

dubai: a global tech hub under visionary leadership.

"Guided by the vision and leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the emirate is steadily reinforcing its position as a global hub for cutting-edge technologies and a major centre for digital business models and transformational initiatives."

H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council

transitioning from a regional to a global entrepreneurship hub.

"Our aim today is to transform from a regional to a global entrepreneurship hub. The UAE aims to become home to 20 unicorns, or start-ups valued at more than $1 billion, by 2031 as part of a programme it launched on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 to attract and expand small-and-medium enterprises."

Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri
UAE Minister of Economy
Accelerator programs

are you ready to soar to new heights with us?

I would like to welcome you all to the UAE chapter of myqubator™, where innovation thrives and opportunities abound. We invite you to join our community of fearless innovators, as we unite startups, investors, service providers and mentors from around the globe. With our unwavering support, world-class coaching, access to abundant capital, and unmatched marketing strategies, we empower you to unlock your potential, accelerate growth, and turn dreams into triumphant realities.

"myqubator™ is where visionaries converge to reshape the world. As the founder of the UAE chapter of myqubator™, I extend a warm invitation to entrepreneurs from every corner of the globe to the UAE, unlocking boundless opportunities. Step into our incubator, where innovation meets capital, and courage fuels greatness. Together, we will pioneer extraordinary ventures and forge a collective legacy of triumph. Join us on this ambitious journey to redefine the future."

— Jameel Qeblawi, founder of myqubator™ UAE chapter.

what sets us apart?

investment ecosystem

Through our dedicated ERP, exclusively crafted by myqubator™, we assure an stress-free, transparent, and well governed environment for investors and startups. Experience harmony while propelling your success.

tailored mentorship

myqubator™ offers entrepreneurs access to personalized mentorship. Deliberately curated and need-based, our mentorship aligns seamlessly with your distinct requirements, fostering a transformative journey toward success.

high-potential ventures

myqubator™ prioritizes startups with clear paths to profitability, mitigating risks for investors. Real-time access to progress via our ERP fosters trust, while our focus remains on bridging and mitigating investor risks.


An all-encompassing roadmap to success, guiding startups through a modular transformative 18-month journey towards achieving their goals.

Seed funding Dubai

accelerate your launch with ease.

Go Ahead, Qualify

At myqubator™, we understand that launching a startup can be challenging. That's why we make things easy for you to take off faster. Our team of experts will guide you through every step of the process.

With our support, you can focus on what you do best - building and growing your business. Join our community today and let us help you accelerate your launch with ease.

Seed funding Dubai

unleashing unparalleled distinction.

At myqubator™, we redefine the startup game with our integrated all-in-one ecosystem. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to providing a seamless experience, from meticulous due diligence and compliance reviews to comprehensive incubation services.

Our ecosystem encompasses everything you need, from expert consulting to efficient execution and meticulous tracking throughout your product development and promotion journey. With a standardized tracking layer, we ensure data integrity and offer a unified approach to maintaining impeccable track records. Experience the power of our game-changing ecosystem and unlock your startup's true potential with myqubator™.

fueling dreams, igniting innovations!


What is myqubator™ (myq)?

myqubator™ is a startup incubator, that leverages all the benefits of having angel investors come on board a startup's journey, with none of the disadvantages.

Offering startups access to mentorship, resources, and networks, myqubator™ is the perfect launchpad for businesses looking to get a foothold in the region. myq™'s goal is to address current incubation failure rates by bringing an innovative and dynamic incubation + angel fund model to startup investing.

Some of the resources and services myqubator™ offers include:

• A community of like-minded entrepreneurs
• Mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs and business experts
• Access to funding and investment opportunities


So, what does myqubator™ do?

myqubator™ acts as both co-founder and incubator for startups. We work with startups from ideation to exit and provide them with the resources they need to succeed. This includes access to our networks, mentorship, and of course, funding.

We also provide a community for startups to connect with like-minded individuals, as well as experienced entrepreneurs who can offer valuable insights and advice.

We guide startups through their journey pre- and post-Series A funding by providing ongoing support, expert advice, promotion, and administrative support. We let entrepreneurs focus on what the core mission is so that they can deliver on their ideas.


How is myqubator™ different from other regional incubators?

We leverage our captive investment model and proven processes to increase success rates for startups. We achieve this by first selecting and then working with startups that have a clear path to profitability. The core focus of our in-house management team is to add value and transfer the essential skills entrepreneurs need to be successful.


Are there any limits as to the industry type or concept?

No, there are no limits. We have a broad focus and welcome startups from all industries and countries. We're looking for passionate and driven entrepreneurs with big ideas that can make an impact.

NDV is an agnostic fund with an interest in backing businesses that demonstrate high growth potential and offer innovative solutions to an existing problem. If you would like the myqubator™ investment board to start reviewing your startup, please submit a clear business plan, MVP and/or a clear demonstration of the solution you want to bring to the market.


How can I apply?

The first step is to submit your business idea via our website. We will then get in touch with you to arrange a meeting. This is followed by an mystudio™ time session, during which we get to know each other better and determine if there is a fit. If everything goes well, we will move forward with the next investment round.


What happens after an application is submitted?

The investment board reviews all complete applications. Applicants that do not meet all the requirements are then notified. Those that fulfill the requirements are then rigorously assessed based on key measures as set out by the myqubator™ investment board. Startups that score the highest on this assessment are invited to an introductory session to pitch their ideas in person and answer questions posed by the investment committee.


What if my application is declined?

You will receive an automated email advising you of the status of your application within a week from review.


Are applications secured by an NDA?

Rest assured all applications are secured by an NDA. Applications that do not make it through are returned to their owners, and all related records related are destroyed.


What stage of startups does myqubator™ accept applications from?

myqubator™ accepts applications from startups in various stages, ranging from early-stage ideas to more established ventures. We believe in identifying and nurturing high-potential startups regardless of their stage and where they are from, as long as they align with our vision and mission.


Are all startups treated equally at myqubator™? Do they all have to participate in the 18-month program?

While all startups at myqubator™ receive equal consideration and opportunities, our approach may vary based on their specific needs and stage of development. The 18-month program is designed to provide comprehensive support to startups, but it is not mandatory for all. We tailor our engagement to each startup, ensuring they receive the right level of guidance, mentoring, and resources for their unique journey.


Do overseas applicants have to move to the UAE to participate in myqubator™?

Yes, in order to be part of our vibrant startup ecosystem, myqubator™ requires overseas applicants to physically relocate their startup operations to our incubator in the UAE. We believe that having a physical presence within our supportive environment provides startups with invaluable benefits including access to mentorship, networking opportunities, and resource support. It also allows for closer collaboration with our team and other startups, fostering a sense of community and driving accelerated growth. We understand that this may require significant logistical adjustments, but we firmly believe in the value of being physically present to fully immerse in the myqubator™ experience and optimize the opportunities provided.


Do startups have to give equity to myqubator™ when approved?

Successful applicants after initial investment committee approval will attend the two months mystudio™ time. This is the fourth tier in the screening process, after successful completion of mystudio™, an initial equity is transferred to myqubator™ as pre-agreed. This is an important part of the application process as it allows startups to get a feel for what it's like to work with us and gives us a chance to get to know them better. If, at the end of mystudio™ Time, both parties are happy, we move forward to the next stage of the incubation.


What happens during the mystudio™ time?

This is a crucial part of the overall startup investment process at NEWDAY&. Together, myqubator™ and the founder/s will chart the roadmap for the incubating, setting clear KPI’s, milestones, financial requirements, goals for valuations, etc. This is where we make our call on whether the approved project should move forward.


How are business ideas valuated at such an early stage

We do not believe in early valuations. To be able to put a fair evaluation on the company, an incubate needs at least one year of revenue and growth experience. To obtain a better understanding of how valuation is determined and how myqubator™ obtains stock in any of the startups, click here.


What are the key commitments of startup founders?

By signing up for this incubator, you are committing yourself to developing a product that will meet the needs of customers. You commit to delivering an innovative vision, product, and service. You commit to delivering on the KPIs and the milestones agreed to during mystudio™ time. You commit to sharing acquired knowledge and supporting other incubates. You commit to the overall strategy that is agreed upon and signed off on during your mystudio™ time.


Does the myqubator™ management team then take over the management of my business idea?

No. The myqubator™ management team's mission is to provide support and insights and to ensure that timelines are met. They provide their expert advice and expertise, so you are ready for the next stage of funding.


Does myqubator™ charge for office space, management, admin support and the services they provide?

No. This is all part of the 8% equity transferred to myqubator™.


What are the mentorship areas of specialization at myqubator™?

Since we are adopting an agnostic approach to identifying incubates, we take it upon ourselves to match the incubate with the best possible access to industry leaders for mentorship, no matter the startup’s business concept.


Why an 18-month incubation? Is that flexible?

The 18-month is designed to allow enough time to build the solution and to allow the start-up a 12-month financial cycle to support better valuation for the next series.


How long before we sit with VCs?

We maintain a consistent flow of information with VCs keeping them abreast of developments taking place with our incubates, so they are kept motivated and interested. We meet with VCs when it is determined that the startup is ready to do so.


What if we need more money than what fund offers?

If you require more funding after your initial investment from fund, we will work with you to tap into our networks and help raise follow-on rounds from other investors.


How does myqubator™ support the marketing of startups?

The myqubator™ team is in contact with industry experts, venture capitalists, family offices, and more to spread the word about the great potential of our incubates.